Supplemental Security Income (SSI) cash benefits go down gradually as earnings from work go up. Social Security uses gross (before taxes) earnings to decide how much to subtract from monthly SSI benefits.

Workers who come to families’ homes to help someone eat, get dressed or take medications must be paid the federal minimum wage and overtime following a U.S. Supreme Court decision on Oct. 6. The change in law took effect Oct. 13, but full enforcement won’t begin until Jan. 1, 2016.

The Internal Revenue Service is easing up on rules for new accounts that will allow people with disabilities to save money without jeopardizing their government benefits.

November is National Family Caregiver Month 2015. The great people at the Caregiver Action Network have some amazing resources for family caregivers. Whether you are a recent caregiver, or you have been a caregiver all your life, there is always more to learn.

Recently, disability advocates cheered when Target featured a girl with a disability dressed as Princess Elsa from the movie Frozen in their advertisement for Halloween costumes. This quiet inclusion is a step in the right direction for creating an accessible Halloween and safe space for everyone. Here are few tips for you to implement at home for your family and guests this year.

While cell phones are often seen as a nuisance or distraction, they can also be invaluable tools in the business world for maintaining communication, managing a schedule and building time management skills. For people with cognitive disabilities, smartphones can bridge a crucial gap in skills so that they don’t become barriers to employment or independence.